IET Labs Test Leads
Source for GR874 Connectors
IET, Labs
The 874 connector offers not only excellent electrical performance but a major convenience feature -- any two, although identical, can be mated.
IET Labs Inductance Standard
Inductance Standard Source
IET, Labs
1482 Inductance Standard
GenRad 1482 Series Inductance Standard
*Stable within ±0.01% per year
*18 Models values from 1 µH to 10 H
*Low, known temperature coefficient
*Calibration accredited to ISO-17025 included
*3 year warranty included
IET Labs Decade Inductance
Decade Inductance Source
IET, Labs
IET manufactures a full line of decade inductors that will fill any requirement. From highest precision to cost effective -- From microhenries to Henries -- Manual or programmable These decade inductors cover a full range of applications for the field
IET Labs Sound Level Meters & Calibrators Source
Sound Level Meters & Calibrators Source
IET, Labs
IET Labs offers a complete line of sound level meters and vibration measurement instruments formerly manufactured by GenRad. Although these sound level meters are designed to operate on their own, much thought was given to their use in a variety of systems
IET Labs Variac
Variac® autotransformer
IET, Labs
The Variac® autotransformer is an efficient, trouble free device for controlling ac voltage and any other quantities that derive from ac voltage: heat output, light intensity, motor speed, and the outputs of various power supplies.
IET Labs GenRad 1531-AB
IET, Labs
*High flashing rates up to 25,000 per minute — speed measurements to 250.000 rpm.
*Short flash duration — "stops" rapid motion and permits ultra-high-speed photography.
*High accuracy stroboscope — rpm measurements can be made to ± 1%.
IET Labs VI-700 Precision
Voltage Current Source
IET, Labs
*Voltage output range of 100 µV to 20 V or 200 V
*Current output range of 0.1 µA to 20 mA or 200 mA
*3½ digit resolution, 0.75 LSD accuracy
*Manual thumbwheel operation or programmable digital input, IEEE-488 or RS232 interface
IET Labs LOM-510A
IET, Labs
*1 μΩ resolution, 4½ digits
*Range: 1 μΩ - 200 Ω
*0.02% basic accuracy
*Costs around 50% less then its peer instruments
*4-Wire Design to eliminate lead resistance
SCA Series Capacitance Standard
IET, Labs
Values 1 pF to 10,000 µF, custom values available
Stability as good as ±0.01 %/year
Two-to-five terminal configuration, depending on model
Excellent TC: as low as 10 ppm/°C
IET-GR 1412
GenRad 1412-BC Decade Capacitance Box
IET, Labs
*Range from 50 pF to 1.11115 µF
*Resolution better then 1 pF
*Accuracy 0.5% + 5 pF
*Low loss, leakage, dielectric absorption
*Verification of calibration of LCR meters, multimeters, and instrumentation
IET-RS Series
Digital Resistance Substituters
IET, Labs
*Accurate 0.1% to 1%
*Wide range from 0.01 Ω - 100 MΩ
*Broad choice of standard and optional models with many powerful features
*Compact, convenient, and rugged
*Panel Mounting, Shielded Case and Fuse Protection options available
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